Courage doesn’t mean that there’s no fear

>> Friday, November 19, 2010

Whenever I shared some of my mischievous adventure in my adolescent hood, I often receive eye-popping, jaw-drop expression from my audience. They consider me bold. Well, I’m not going to tell you about what are the things that interest my listeners, but I’ll share on something else. (If curious, please refer to subject title)

Have you ever taken a ride on a roller coaster, solero shot or tried bungee jumping? Or should I ask, do you dare? Some people, no doubt, have the kind of boldness that loves to engage in dangerous games or activities. Take me for instance; I have no qualms of speaking in public. No amount of fear can creep into my list of emotions that is already overwhelmed by excitement and joy. That is boldness. Boldness is the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger. Public speaking is not dangerous, but is threatening. Threatens one’s image!! LOL..

Conversely, there are others that made that choice to conquer the fear in them and courageously take the ride on that roller coaster. Maybe the outcome might cause the person to never ride on it again. But at least he tried!! Courage is the state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution.

Have you ever cheated in a school test? Often than not, we would easily stir courage into treacherous events that sometimes risking our future or betting our lives. However, when did we ever take courage to respond to our conscience??

Question: Have you ever been invited to do something that is opposing your principles and values?

1. Did you follow others without much thought because majority are doing it?
2. Or did you accept such invitations out of obligation to maintain a relationship?
3. Did you keep quiet and smile as you decline?

Fear is the primary causation to all of the above reactions. Hey!! Just be courageous be adherence to moral principles. Do what is intended and say what you mean. Integrity is the best policy to success. Stand firm and say no when invited to share answers in the next test. Courageously speak up when you see others involving in unethical businesses. Tell them the of the principles of your believe and values, explain the consequences and encourage them to return from their wicked ways!! (Hahahaha)

I'm pretty bold in alot of things, but not always courageous in putting things right.
Courage doesn’t mean that there is no fear. We have to overcome that fear courageously.