
>> Sunday, August 30, 2009

Im currently studying on the dining table back at home(PJ). And my mom jz called to ask if we wanna go yum cha with her and dad. As i was abt to clear my stuff from the table, i realize that the only thing i need to put a way is my nettie(lappie for laptops).

I've always done my h/w, revision and studying on the exact same table for many years now. And my mom always complain that i hv to cover every inch of the table with---books!!! Today, all my study materials are coming from one same book. Netbook. I even hv Atkin's physical chem in my

how convenient. i dun hv to carry all my books up and down anymore. And, i can online and stay close to my friends at the same time. ;)

okay. mom's here, (she look so hot). gotta go..