
>> Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Today, as we were attending chemical analysis lecture, it came to me that chemistry is tough. To the person who sat by my side, I shared that being a chemist wasnt an easy job after all. To my atonishment, he commented that if he cannot succeed in the chemistry world, he would probably consider on being a lecturer.

It is common that many people take the role of an educator lightly. Most of us think that being a teacher is our last chance saloon. Worse, we regard teachers as a back up plan for our failure in our respective field. However, an educator can creates the greatest impact to the world.

Ever since the 19th century, most of the population of the world have the opportunity to be educated. As a student, i believe we would have come across many different types of teachers and lecturers. Some of these may be good, strict, leneant, kind, weird(i know who r u thinking of, chem grp), some can even have a huge effect on us but some may not. In many of our experiences, we always remember our teacher weather they are good or bad. We compare them all the time(rite!!) Sometimes, we compain and complain how poor a lecturer may be in getting the messenge across the lecture hall. We remember their teaching and advices. We apply them throughout our life. We all know that educater must have a good social skill and educating skill at the same time. We recognize how a good teacher shd be. As u can see, it requires much effort to be an educator. It is not an easy task.

An educator must first have the passion to educate. Teaching and educating are not the same. Teaching is literally passing on knowledge. But, keeping track of another person and catching up with their progress in nurturing their values and culture is educating. Educators plays an important role in the society. They can either build future hopes of the nation or destroy a person. A good educator is able to optimize the potential of a being or back track some whom are lost on their way.

So lets come to our senses that being an educator is much more than merely talking to thirty over people in a room. To me, teachers are one of the most respected people in the world. They are bold enough to take up the responsibility of another's future in their own hands. They are the ones, next to our parents, that watch us grow and smile on us when the labour of our hands are fruitful. Let us not disregard our lecturers anymore. And, let us not think that educator are some low class occupation. It should not be our last option in life.

Would you really want to be an educator? See that i use the word educator. This is because i want to see more educator being cultivated rather than teachers. We need educators, not teachers. So think again. Is this what u want? If not, then u better study hard and make sure u secceed in the corporate world.

Now that u've had a whole new perspective of an educator, the next that u should ponder is this;
Can passion promise financial security?
If ur dream is to be a doctor or lawyer, ofcouse u dun really have to worry that there isnt enough to support urself.
But what about the least of these whose dreams are to be a dancer? a comic artist? fashion designer? maybe even a chemist??
R they sure that their dreams can fulfill not only their burning passion but also gv them a promising future??

Can passion promise financial security??


Unknown July 7, 2009 at 9:14 PM  

great post. both informative and persuasive, and still hit to the point. Benefited me alot at least=)

DramaKlNG July 8, 2009 at 12:09 AM  

lolz... i read something fishy in the post =_=
about educator, i prefer teach art rather than teach chemistry >w<
well if wanna become a chemistry lecturer,
i prefer become a secondary school teacher, as i can see is not much dedicated chemistry teacher at secondary school especially at spm and stpm stage,
if the student didnt manage to build up their basic, how can they survive at university stage?