Ask for more

>> Monday, January 4, 2010

Do you know that your parents really love you? Imagine you've walked down the isle for your convocation half an hour ago, then you're to look for a job tomorrow. What would you be thinking now?
1. What kinda job would I get? will i be happy with what im doing?
2. Would I have a good pay? To support my family, my children. In 20 years time, will i have 120k(per child)? 50k for education(for utar students). 50k for a new car(local) when they get their first job. 20 k for wedding.
3. Will I find my dream partner? (LOL..dream partner only exist in dreams, aiye?? Live in reality!!)

On the day the doctor broke the good news to your parents, they've already planned for you. Your education, your first car and your wedding. They might not give you the world, but they've tried to give u everything they can. Sometimes we think we deserve all this or even better. And when we don't get what our friends have, we sulk at our pathetic life. Our parents may not love us the way we wanted, but it doesn't mean they didn't love us with all they have.

Bringing up children is more complex in the 21st century. Considering 30 years ago, your father(lets talk about the provider)had a simpler life. Your grandfather only had to feed your dad. And your dad studied hard, get a scholarship or local U, worked
and supports you
and your barbiedolls(babi-doll)
and your digimon
and your game boy
ans your PS2
and your handphone cum service provider
and your shopping habits
and your make-ups
and your many nights at cyber cafe
and your laptop
and your 100-table-wedding dinner at the grandest place with imported grape wine

Your parents love you. Do you love your children? 30 years from now, can you afford your child what luxury you have now?

My parents really love me. And i really love them now. Stop demanding. Stop asking for more. Stop drinking pepsi. ;oP
Drink water.


Damselette January 4, 2010 at 10:30 PM  

I love this and I couldn't agree more! Thanks for this blunt reminder to us children :)

Nigel Foong January 5, 2010 at 12:56 AM  

In our time, we already ask for so much... Can't think about our next generations when I see those kids have better phone than me, got PS2, PSP and Gameboy to play in car or restaurant and even walking which I don't have when I was small.

I just ask for more when I entered UTAR... :) you know la, those fees and livings in Kampar. Luckily, I'm at Kampar. If I'm at big city like KL, I'm sure it will be doubled! :P

DramaKlNG January 7, 2010 at 12:18 AM  

i totally agree with you,
what we demanding is getting more and more. i cant imagine what my child would be when the next generation getting more cyber type especially those cyber game machine like PS# and PSP ==.
i think the next generation havent reach secondary school edy have own personal laptop.

Irena January 8, 2010 at 11:03 AM  

It can be change. The reason we ask for more it's because we are all like cinderella. We want what other ppl have. The question we need to ask ourselves is: do i really really really(think trice) need them. We can teach our children not to be fooled by the marketing stretegies of the world. Making them think that they MUST have it!! :)