Clock in a box

>> Tuesday, March 9, 2010

When you are given an empty box with nothing to put, you tend to just dump whatever inside. Then when you have something important to store, like jewels, you'll just squeeze it into the almost filled box. As days passed, you realized that you needed more space to store your jewels. But jewels are precious and costly, you wouldn't want to just chuck it in that junk box.

Time is a precious commodity with a low ceiling. I would illustrate time as a box in my life. When I was young, I would fill my time with sailor moon(something like dragon ball), barbie dolls, digimon, hunting for butterflies and climbing trees because of the little responsibility I have. In my teenage years, I would hang out at mamak for hours, cyber cafe, malls and snooker centre. In my uni life, I would fill my time with drama series, lab reports, drama series, assignments, drama series, church activities, drama series, swimming, gym and all. Due to the empty spaces in my box, I would try to fill it with whatever i want. When important things needed to be done, I would struggle and do them last minute. Whenever I have a long recess between my classes, I would watch my drama series thinking that I still have time for my reports and leave them till the last second. So when I'm doing my lab reports, I always wonder why do i have to suffer for it? That's because I'm just trying to squeeze my jewel in the box filled with junks.

Now, I have more commitments to make because I joined a society which requires a huge space of my very full box. I struggled alot at first but I began to see that these stuff are quite regular. My timetable is fixed and my church activities are fixed. So, I'll set aside those time and shift my remaining time to slot in my reportsssss and society stuff. Whenever i have an empty slot, I would utilized it with my work instead of drama now. I even do my lab report in the ktm. I don't really have time for drama series, but i still do watch them now and then when i have the time.

I've learned to prioritize my stuff. I've learned to do what is needed instead of what is wanted. I've learn to empty the box, put my jewels in first and then I'll throw in anything that is less important.

I'm so tired and I want to sleep now, but i need to study for a quiz tomorrow.


Emel - LayChuyDing March 11, 2010 at 12:07 AM  

we tend to realize things more and more day by day....keep going irena :)