
>> Sunday, March 21, 2010

I've decided to check my twitter...for God knows what..most probably emails or msges from frens. And found nothing. Cz they are only twits from ppl connected to me.

I don't tweet, cz im not a bird.

I had twitter account out of curiosity with only one tweet. I dun get the point of twitter. Plus, I'm a very lazy person, I hope to store all my stuff at one place, and when i need them, I'll just go to that place and I'll know for certain that it would be there. So when i need my friends, I'll go to facebook. hahahahah. I cant afford to check emails, blogs , facebook, friendster, my space, bla bla bla and twitter to catch up with u guys man. Just stay at one place, please!!

So there is nothing on twitter. Then now, I can permanently erase another password from my brain.



Nigel Foong March 21, 2010 at 1:08 AM  

Eh, you got a twitter meh? Not like you wor... :P