holiday~ holiday~hooolliiiddaaeeee~

>> Friday, December 25, 2009

What is it that comes in lots of shapes and sizes, usually wrapped in colourful wrappers, sometimes fasten with beautiful ribbons and comes with handmade cards?!! Most of all, it put a smile on ur face!! Oh come on, it's Christmas isn't it? It has something to do with Christmas!!

Try the picture for a hint..

Yes!! PRESENTS!! GIFTS!! Christmas is the most celebrated day other than Sundays. Hahaz. All of us would get so excited decorating whatever decoratable, then we'll wait in excitement to give away presents and gifts to those dear to our heart. (and of course get some in return)

Gift is a transfer of something, without the need for compensation that is involve in a trade. A gift is a voluntary act which does not require anything in return. Even though it involves possibly a social expectation of reciprocity, or a return in the form of prestige or power, a gift is meant to be FREE.-wiki-
That's how it put a smile on our faces.

There is a gift that everyone had it unnoticed. That is life. Life is a gift. Adam's life was a gift, given free of charge, with no intention for any compensation or return. He didn't know that God would make him. It's not like Adam knows he's gonna be Adam right? His life was a gift. Our life is a gift, a present. Yeah yeah, u're gonna tell me the fall of Adam and his wife now, right? About sin and bla bla bla..Thats bad news, but what about the good news? You forgot? Over 2000 years ago, a baby born on that first Christmas day! Then after He said

I[Jesus] have come that they[they=except the speaker. meaning it's YOU] may have life, and have it to the full. -Jn 10:10b-

And how come you're reading my blogpost on Christmas day?? You should get your arse off that chair and celebrate. However,if you haven't/didn't receive a gift today, just remember, YOU are a gift. So, treasure the present.

I am the[the=one and only] way, the truth and the LIFE. -Jn 14:6-

Life is colour, Life is music. Life is gifts.
Get a life.
Get Jesus. ;0)