The Story of my toe

>> Saturday, December 26, 2009

Long long time ago, fingersnail took up nail painting. She need alot of practice to be the best painter in town. But fingernails had 10 nails to practice, so she went to toe land to borrow 10 toe nails for herself. After that, toenail become dehydrated and told fingernail to stop. but fingernail wouldn't listen, she wanted to be the best painter, so she continue to put paints and other chemical on toe nail. Then one day, Thumb toe retaliated, it collaborate with fungus and allow it to cultivate in it. Fingernail was pissed and impatient, she need to practice, so she cut off the part which is conquered by fungal.

So you see, because i was impatient, i cut away the nail which is in red in the picture(like a triangle). So the nail grew out of shape after that until it puncture my flesh. 4 years i endured the pain. So i removed the nail inhope that it will grow properly.

3 lessons
1. If u hv a fungal growth, please go and see a doctor. I found out that doctor have anti fungal for such cases. In actual fact, u're suppose to pay the doc a visit if u're not feeling well.
2. Don't try to act smart. Go and seek medical or professional advice for critical problems. Cutting away does not mean u've solve the problem
3. Be patient.

Please pardon my grammatical errors. I need to go offline now. It's raining now.


Nigel Foong December 28, 2009 at 7:33 PM  

Ooo... That's what happening la... :)