Holiday: the toe without the nail
>> Thursday, December 24, 2009
walao, the doctor clean the wounds like cleaning concrete floor like that. So painful man. First, he yank the existing gauze from my toe, then he pressed antiseptic on the wound and dress with new gauze and bandage it like taping leak pipe with masking tape. Siao. Cannot move that big toe, very painful. Just now, i hit myself summore.. super duper pain now...
Since my speed is nothing compared to a snail, im off from work for few days already. I'm never sensitive to the highlights on the calendar which mark a holy day because i'm not very fond of one. But holiday is superb when u have a 9 to 5 static working schedule. Not so much to say, i'm taking my toe as an excuse to slack from work while typing in front of the sleek 7 feet christmas tree decorated in classic red and gold at my parents chalet like home. Shhh...please don't tell my sis that!!*added*
Do you know why it's called a holiday? It all started from genesis, the begining. When God created everything, He added a day to that week for rest. On this day, the Lord our God commanded, that all who work hard through all 6 days shall take a rest on the seventh day and spend it holy. So what does it mean by spending it holy? No sex with ur wife? Nope, its spending time with the Holy One, our God.
So its Holy Day. Holy Day..holy day..hoo-llll-iiiiiii-daeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..
Tomorrow is hooooo-lllllll-iiiiiii-ddaaeeeeeeeeeeeeee
there, holiday =)*added*
Just in case i forget, Feliz Navidad!! Merry Christmas!! May all of u be bless inside out. ;)
Wah.. toe without nail hurts man.. be strong haha =)
walau, u're quick man!!
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